Wednesday, April 04, 2007

For a crappy day, walking and singing aloud(or alone)

I tend to hate this city: cars mess with themselves and everything look as a shinny mixture of clashing colo(u)rs. Then night arrives and our beloved and even despairingly charming city turns into a ***** street whore, and you realize there is danger in the shinningness of something, because it would be there to lure...
Does the city use it´s colo(u)rfull status as a trap, or as a merchaindaising strategy?
Streets are all but grey when you wander, even when scales of gray cover everything is not moving at the beholding time.
I have a case about a lady... Been paid to find her or to make my client forget her, I still doubt regards the true nature of the case; What would he gain if he would forget her? and even worst; what would he gain at all?. I hate to work for self-destructive foes who just want to figure something in order to feel safe.
Ill-gotten gains, I say.

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